Petition to End Abortion in SC

When the heartbeat bill passed, conservatives celebrated and moved on.

But by year’s end, over 5,000 babies were murdered by their parents in cold blood—unwanted and unwept for.

The Supreme Court could do the right thing and overturn Roe, but even if they don’t, our state is still obligated to protect all innocent life.

Please sign the petition to call on your state lawmakers to abolish abortion by passing legislation such as H.4046!


Rep. Jonathon Hill

Sign Now

To: The South Carolina Legislature

WHEREAS, all human life begins in the womb and is created in the image of God; and, WHEREAS, the government’s first and most important duty is to protect innocent human life; and

WHEREAS, more than 12 innocent babies are slaughtered through abortion in the state of South Carolina every day; and

WHEREAS, the only truly pro-life response to the horrors of abortion is to abolish it.

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the South Carolina Legislature must immediately pass legislation protecting the life of the pre-born by making the practice of abortion illegal in our state, beginning at the moment of conception.